Apple’s recently launched iPhone 15 Pro can be PTA approved in installments from Bank Alfalah’s Alfa Mall without any interest. You can pay as low as Rs. 27,333 a month for up to 6 months, which adds up to a total cost of Rs. 163,999 for approval, but note that the 6-month installment option has an extra 5% processing fee involved.
There is also an option to opt for a 3-month installment plan, which would reduce the cost to Rs. 54,666 a month, but this option has no processing fee. Keep in mind that this service is only available to Bank Alfalah credit card holders.
To get started, you have to choose an installment plan (3 months or 6 months), enter your CNIC number, and the IMEI numbers of your iPhone 15 Pro. The 15-digit IMEI number of your device is usually found on the phone’s retail box or in the phone’s settings menu.
Once your transaction is complete, Alfa Mall will create a PTA approval request and your phone should be approved within 5 to 7 days, though Alfa Mall clarifies that it can also take up to 10 to 12 days at times. Once your phone is successfully approved, an Alfa Mall merchant will call you to inform you of the approval. But if you don’t receive a call within 7 to 12 days, you can manually check your phone’s approval status at PTA’s official website. You can also SMS your IMEI number to 8484.