Reducing soft drink intake crucial to avoid acid reflux’

Reducing the intake of sugar-sweetened soft drinks in an individual’s daily diet is a health goal that deserves attention.


While the negative consequences of regularly consuming soft drinks are widely acknowledged, many teenagers and young adults continue to overconsume them daily.


Soft drinks (often mistakenly called “soda”) are widely loved across globe—a fact that cannot be ignored. In 2021, the global market value of soft drinks was estimated at over $413 billion.


A soft drink is essentially a beverage based on water that becomes carbonated when the liquid is infused with carbon dioxide gas.


Various flavours are added to different brands, along with sweetness, typically from sugar and sometimes from artificial sweeteners.


Although consuming soft drinks may seem enjoyable and refreshing, behind the variety of flavours of countless soft drink types, there is a set of ingredients that have a negative impact on the body, especially the stomach.


The enticing bubbles seen actively moving inside a soda bottle, or the tickling sensation in the mouth when drinking, result from the carbon dioxide gas.


This compound can affect the stomach more than some may realise, along with many other ingredients found in sodas.


After drinking a soft drink and it reaching the intestines, the body “warms” the liquid, causing the carbon dioxide to expand as a gas in the stomach.


This can result in sharp stomach pain due to carbonation and the build-up of gas.


This effect can cause bloating, discomfort, feelings of fullness, and stomach muscle cramps. Most notably, it leads to the urge to burp.


Although there is no direct link between these beverages and acid reflux, they can slightly alter the body’s acidity levels.


They also introduce additional air into the stomach cavity, increasing pressure inside the stomach, which typically leads to acid reflux symptoms in the oesophagus.


Furthermore, excessive burping after drinking soda may cause stomach acid to leak into the oesophagus, especially when drinking soda during or right after meals.


If you think that diet soft drinks are a healthier alternative, think again.


The disruption of gut health is often attributed to the artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas.


These sweeteners disturb the growth and regulation of beneficial bacteria colonies (the microbiome) in the gut.


Having a healthy, well-functioning gut microbiome is crucial for maintaining proper body functions in various aspects.


Soft drinks can act as an “acid load” on the stomach, adding to the stomach acids already present, which increase further after meals.


This can ultimately raise the stomach’s acidity level, damaging the stomach lining and often leading to heartburn and increased acid reflux symptoms.


To clarify, these drinks contain high acidity due to the flavour additives used.


This can exacerbate stomach acidity and worsen heartburn or abdominal discomfort.


For soft drinks containing caffeine, this chemical stimulant can increase gastrointestinal contractions and further increase stomach acid production.


While this may not pose problems for most people, those with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues should particularly avoid these drinks or reduce their intake.